Luster has nine schools spread throughout the municipality. The schools vary in size. In the smallest village schools, children from various age groups attend the same classes. In the bigger schools, the classes consist of pupils from the same age group.


Contact infomation schools - in Norwegian


Luster ungdomsskule, which is a secondary school, has about 130 pupils. Hafslo barne- og ungdomsskule have pupils at primary and secondary levels.
The primary schools offer pupils from the first to the fourth form assistance with their home work at school.

Day care Programme - SFO

Day-care programme in Luster is a service for children from the first to the fourth class, and for children with disabilities from the first to the seventh class.

Children who follow the programme, are cared for before the school strarts in the morning and after school hours. The parents have to pay for this service. If there is no day-care programme at the school the child attends, the parents are entitled to use the programme at another school.

A day-care progamme is applied for online.

Please contact the municipality's Service Centre, telephone number 57 68 55 20, or the individual school if you need practical assistance with the application.